Monday, July 15, 2013

The Liebster Award

Alright looking back to the past, my last post was in May 2013. Punch me please, i definitely deserve the punishment! *slapping own face x 99999999 times* And now middle of the July, le pretty girlfriend Charis Ngui has nominated me in her list for The Liebster Award. Seeing my name was the first get tagged after her birth sister Evelyn Ngui, i was kinda happy & surprised, and feeling alil warmth inside ma heart. Now only i know i'm so important to her ohohohoho~ ! *smirk* Oh as i mentioned earlier, she was one of the reasons i started to blog! And there has been NUMEROUS time she reminded me to bring my deadly blog back to life duhhh. Included this time! She is the big great savior of my half dead blog space i can say~ Thankiu Gui Gui~ muah muah~

And here's the need-to-do list after you get nominated:
1. Write out 11 random facts about yourself
2. Answer all questions the nominator has for you
3. Nominate 11 bloggers (no tagging back)
4. Create 11 questions for them to answer
5. Link them in your post & let them know they get nominated

So here's the 11 facts about me!

1. My height is adorable
When i was younger, been always prayed that i can grown into at least 5 feet! Or at least taller than my mum? Sounds so sorrow ehh *tears* And now, i finally officially in the length of 5 feet 1 inch. Pheww~ hahahaha! Now you know my height eeks. Every time when i see a 7 feet tall wearing the long dress or long tops so gorgeously, while me can never carry it in the way they did, i was like 'ushh i gave up on it'. But when the first time i visited to Audrey Ooi's blogspot, it was actually the terms of Four Feet Nine which leads me into it funny right? Peeking her life will makes you think that she is a role model for shorties LOL. Honestly she is pretty in her real form of four feet nine height. Anyway i'm always confident about myself, except hmm...when i growing alil fatter, or facing some little inconveniences with my height, it might be alil sad thou hahaha. And won't forget to mention that i'm lucky to have a 185cm tall boyfie, woots!

this is how a 155cm girl looks like, almost same height with the teddy bear, big fail LOL
my 185cm boyfie! spotted my 5 inches heel? hahaha

2. I'm crazy about Kim Jae Joong
The first moment seeing him on tv, my craziness and admiration for him is never ending, never ever..He's like my prince in real life and dream. You can see his importance while i mention this in number 2! Enough for this, or my king will be getting more jealous *tongue out*

Kim Jae Joong ♥

3. Total heels lover
Despite of my adorable height, my 185cm tall boyfie, i love heels because of their designs, how it beautify the curve of the leg. I love it as every female love it! 99.9% of possibilities when you saw me, it's either my heels or wedges under my feet hahaha.

one of the 5 inches i owned!
how it physically lengthen my leg aigoo

4. My nickname is Bling Bling
I love shiny things. Previously owned and wore wedge heel sneaker covered with diamonds to college hence my lecturer called me Ms. Bling Bling. Lovely name isn't it hahaha. These rocks don't lose their shape, diamonds are a girl's best friends~

5. Loyal Sushi lover
Not only sushi but Japanese cuisine. Photos say it all. Slurpp~

6. Big Movie lover
This pile is the best prove of me is a movie lover *eyes big big* wonder how much i spent on these *faint* oh btw the latest movie i watches is Pacific Rim, might do a movie review for next post *wink*

7. A diploma graduand
Freshly received this piece of paper just a week ago lalala.

8. Member of Monday Blue Society
Currently working as a full time Graphic Designer, finally learnt that how precious the weekend is, and i was hesitating to rest rather than typing this post! *face palm* while now seeing my screen it's 2352 already *yawns*

9. One and only sibling
This my sis 4 years younger than me, 'they' said we have same face, you say?

10. I got hamster pets
Currently raising the 4th generation of them, im animal lover!

11. I love selca
Like all other bloggers, i love selca especially close up! Why? Because i have big eyes blekk

piles of selca~

Ohh and i dislike having black hair on myself if i has to add another fact about myself here. This ma latest selca here.

Latest hair color wee

Finally, i wrote up 11 facts about myself! Pheww! And thanks to Charis Ngui for not providing questions so i  have to google up about Liebster Award and found this:

Let's start Q&A, since i'm already used to talking to own self.

1. What made you start blogging?
Literally because of Charis Ngui.

2. Favorite food?
Stated in facts about me. Beside Japanese cuisine, Kimchi and Taufu Fa are my favorite too.

3. Favorite pastime?
When i was baby? It was all about eat, sleep, poo LOL and nothing to worry about!

4. What has been your favorite destination you ever visited?
Marina Bay Sands, and it was my first time entering a casino, oh yea im finally 21 by December last year.

5. What is the one destination you still long to explore?
Paris, the origin of arts 

6. What is the one thing that you look back on and wish you had done a little differently?
I don't look back and regret. My quote: Regret makes no difference. So i'll pass on this question.

7. Complete the sentence, ‘If today were my last day I would…’
If today were my last day I would save my DNA genes for making clone in future?

8. What is the one thing that always makes you smile no matter what?
Kim Jae Joong! Whenever i look at his photo LOL seriously i ain't kidding! Or watching my hamsters sleeping aww~

9. Do you have any goals you want to achieve this year?
Get a car license? *eyes rolling* hmm not sure about it.

10. What is the one habit that you sometimes wish you never had?
Slightly Obsessive-compulsive disorder? Guess it's because of my perfection characteristic which result from studying graphic design, i must multiple-check things how and where they being located? And you know there's already precise measurement guides in AI, but i'll still recheck and recheck to make sure the thing is in exactly centre or exactly in the right angle. While things in real life, i will relocate and relocate until i'm sure it's at the centre. I'm so good in balancing? hahaha. It makes me kinda tension sometime.

11. Tell me something that you love about yourself.
I love my big eyes & thick hair!

Tadaa! Now, here's my nominees:
 Kah Mon -
 Charmaine Pua -
 Sheena Liam -
 Samantha Sito -
 Daniel Chiam -

Dear, the Questions for you all will be same as above. Good luck in finish answering them!

Off to bed now, as i need to wake by 7 tomorrow to work. Looking forward for coming weekend teehee. Night night all! Have a great Monday!


Friday, May 17, 2013


首先要说明,其实也不用说明,因为很明显… 那就是本小姐的英语书写和词汇应用,距离哈佛程度简直是相差十万八千再加八千里哈哈哈。


高中时许多女生们手上都有一本自己钟爱的校园爱情小说,主角永远都是帅哥与美女 *大笑* 我最爱的是《天使街23号》,当然是把书念完啦,因为故事里的两位男主角就像王子,让人难忘,佩服作者的文笔,忧愁的结局让人遗憾。因而让我想起了中学时期的点点滴滴。言归正传,现在就让我向您炫耀一下我的华文应用能力吧。感性的话语,仿佛还是只有中文能诠释得最好。至于题目嘛,曾经…



这不是述说我的故事,只是抒发我的想法。我其实并不是个喜爱思考的人,所以总是会有小冲动,小固执。一旦认定了某件事或物就不会轻言放弃,不做没把握的事,至少要有九十巴仙成功率的信心才会作出决定。魔羯就是这样,一旦确定了,在你还没预备好之前,就已经实行计划了哈哈哈。是不是很有性格呢?咳咳~ 但说实在的,思考让我头疼,是真的需要止痛药的头疼哦,因为它会给我带来压力…

好啦,只是突然想起中学时期谈恋爱的情节。暗恋男生时,心惊胆跳,欣喜又焦虑的矛盾… 牵手时候心脏砰砰跳的,回想起来觉得好笑… 那是最纯的情感… 认真爱了,学会珍惜… 出现分歧,愤怒吵架… 流泪,心痛,失望再到绝望… 是否似曾相似?

只想感谢每个在我生命里停留过的人,因为是你们造就了我的过去,让我从错误中学习,学会了坚强,学会珍惜,也留下美好的曾经。我恨过的人,请原谅我… 恨过我的人,我原谅你,哈哈哈!至于现在为我留下的人儿啊,也要谢谢您留在我的人生里。至于曾经的遗憾,我会抛到世界最角落,因为后悔从没有帮助,我们只能每时每刻提醒自己不做会后悔的事。譬如说,看见喜欢的鞋子和包包就买下来,否则过后被别人买去了,后悔也没用咯!哈哈…

思考,绝然不是我的兴趣… 哈哈…人愈成长,思想变得愈复杂,我只羡慕天真无邪的宝宝,一直乐天无忧的。

最后来张和宝宝的合照,请无视我空白的素脸 *皱眉*


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

CLEO Collector's Edition

Actually this post should have been published two weeks ago, but I forgot to finish the ending paragraph while I was rushing to go out and let it abandoned in my 'draft' folder. But Im posting this now anyway.

Remembering le boyfie purposely bought this December 2012 issue for me before we depart to SG for Christmas that year. Just because he knows Im a loyal reader of CLEO, I will never forget how thoughtful he is, and how happy I am with the little surprise he made for me. Guess I should frame this issue and hang on my bedroom wall hahaha.

For this month of May in 2013, CLEO came out with this special collector's edition, it just catch my eyes once i laid my eyes on the rack. As a person loving all the beautiful designs, I have this weirdo habit of collecting fancy product catalogues and so this issue is absolute custom-made for me wahaha.

This issue came with Sephora Beauty Booklet too! Oh and if you have spotted the little box on the magazine?

Oh yes! It's LANVIN ME miniature perfume, which is already inside my handbag now. Lovin it so much that I want to carry it around so that I can wear them anytime I want hahaha. You might wonder how it smells like? Get yours from the nearest bookstore while stock last I advice *wink*

You can get some beauty & fashion tips from their booklet too~ This is sweet!

If you'd like to add some of your own notes...

So this is the close up of my LANVIN ME miniature. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Bear Paw

Wonder what's the title about? Nothing about animal abuse there, aint eating real bear paw also! Imma animal lover, except for lizard & those cold blooded animals eeks. This is my first post published with ipad so it will be a short & quick update about the bear paw burger in town, which is also already inside my stomach by now. People just gets attracted by its cute paw print on buns *giggle* You will be irresistible to these cute delicious buns. Woosh.

Me and le boyfie get ourselves a wheat bear paw bun with fish fillet dressing by tartar sauce, and another brown sugar bear paw bun with chicken fillet dressing by thousand island sauce. Slurpp~ Absolutely love the steamed bun, it wont makes us feel like too stuffed after taking our drinks. Surprised that it's delicious for a person like me who not so into breads & buns hmm. And the brown sugar bun is appetising because of its slight sweet taste! Another bun in milk flavour sounds kinda interesting too, you might give it a try *wink*

Both fish and chicken fillet are just well done fried, not too oily, just crispy & crunchy! Was going to order my bun with honey mustard sauce one, but too bad it was sold out. Shall go for it at next visit I guess. Overall their food is average, price is average too. The value set meal ranged from RM9.90 - RM14.90 for a bear paw burger with a beverage choice from different flavour of fresh tea, green tea, milk tea and others. One thing not so ideal about the outlet itself is kinda small and they have very limited space for tables, so better not go at peak hours.

Check for more info and images at their Facebook Page.

Hope you guys like these cute bear paw buns, cheers~ muah!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Oz the Great and Powerful

I'm back again! *wink wink* As promised in previous post, this will be review about Oz the Great and Powerful. I'm die hard fans of Disney production, fairytales is all I have in childhood. Bet most of you are the same too? *hands up hands up* Been watching "Sleeping beauty" for thousand times *exaggarating face* hmm at least 50 times la hahaha. Princess, prince and crown are everything a girl can dream of. Always being thankful to Disney for bringing hope and miracle into our life ♥

So me and le boyfie picked this movie for our weekend outing at Maxx Cinema, Time Square. The 3D effect didn't disappoint me, instead it would be a waste if you don't watch it in 3D~ Because of the CG effect they made, scenes they imagined, world they created will lead you into this land of fantasy and you won't want to miss a single detail of it.

Oscar Diggs (James Franco)
When I first saw the leading male actor of this movie, he seems familiar to me. Then le boyfie remind me that he was the one who's starred in 128 hours. Wonder if any of you had watch the movie, but I almost fell slept for it lol. In this story, his name is Oscar Diggs, which is also Oz. He is an illusionist, wonder what an illusionist can do to save the kingdom on the land of Oz? It was my largest curious during the movie too *smiley eyes*

Theodora (Mila Kunis)
Her signature big eyes, tan skin and unique face figure are all I remember about her. Theodora is a good witch, but I felt sorry for what happened to her in the end of story.

Evanora (Rachel Weisz)
Evanora, the wicked witch, dangerous yet the most sexy character. Guys love bad girls, don't you? *smirk*

Glinda (Michelle Williams)
Glinda, the great witch, the kind one, the princess-like witch. Aww I love her crown, and her smile 

And this is le boyfie being funny before the movie starts. Candy Crush is really being a trend now, don't you think so? I'm playing too, so you know what to do la! Give people LIFE is a very noble thing to do ok? *giggle*

Let's join the journey to the land of Oz  Where're we heading to? Emerald City, China Town or Dark Forest?

QOTD: No one is too old for a Disney movie~ ♥

Love y'll, XOXO...

Monday, March 11, 2013

4th Anniversary Dining & Movie

It's been 4 years!! *shout* yesh me and le boyfie had dated for 4 years, neither can say it's a short period nor short period. Just, time flies, and our relationship is a precious thing for me to cherish about ♥

'Wow you guys paktuo so long ad ah!', 'When you get marry ar?', 'Me waiting for your red boom oh~', I bet people who've been in relationship for more than 2 years will hear these often? Either it's a matter of course in everybody's mind, a tease, or a concern, just wanna say I won't get marry in such a short period LOL! If another friend of mine asked this XXX whose in relationship for long period the same question, then he/she will answer 'I'm waiting for Kristen's wedding too.' People talks hahahahaha...

For these kind of memorable days, every couple must have their own celebrations without any 'light bulb' teehee. Me and le boyfie went to this Gen10, Sunway Putra Hotel for our precious dinner. It's a buffet style japanese cuisine restaurant. Check it out~

Tea set which is full with japanese feel

Sashimi, le best friends~

Sushi, le best best friends~


Chawan Mushi, not the best I've tasted but still acceptable

Mango Pudding Desert

Desert Bar

Poser boyfie act emo LOL

Ohh I forgot to mention that the restaurant is located at 10th floor, with their french windows we have this night view of KL as the background for dining time. KL tower, KLCC Tower and all buildings around are clearly visible with the black shining sky at night ♥

Me selca with KL night view

Poser  boyfie at hotel lobby stairs hehehe

Beside dinner, movie always come with the itinerary of dating *wink* So we went to Pavilion KL for a screening *smiley eyes* We just camwhore-ed while waiting, check our sexy back blehhh


Yesh!! We put an ending to our lovely day with Beautiful Creatures. I was assuming that it's just another movie about vampy story without checking the synopsis in earlier time, but it turns out to be a story about Caster. Wonder what is caster? Just something like witch. Writers must have great imagination to create all these superficial characters like Dracula, Vampire, Witch, Zombie, and then this - 'Caster'. Not really amazed with the story, but the wicked cousin Ridley Duchannes catch my eyes since her 1st appearance in the movie, rather than the leading actress and actor. Spot the sexy girl at left side? She is Emmy Rossum, it won't be a waste to check her in a sexy, seducing & dangerous character with her beautiful golden eyes in the movie. Even me want her golden eyes ♥

Beautiful Creatures

And that's all for my current update, next will be my review about Oz The Great and Powerful. Ohh and it was at Maxx cinema *wink* here's another selca of mine, Goodnight all~ XOXO..

I love you, Desmond Low ♥ ♥ ♥